Hindustan Times – Soaring on mission to make aero sports accessible to all

hindustan times, media coverage, hapy aviation

The Hindustan Times,

Pune, media coverage of Hapy Aviation

On 14th Oct, 2023 gives a vivid picture of the inspirational journey made by Sandeep Saxena and Ankur Agarwal, 

The visionary co-founders of Hapy Aviation.

This dynamic duo is on a mission to transform the aviation landscape in India, making it more accessible and inclusive for everyone in the country. 

In a country where aviation frequently portrays itself as a mode of transport reserved solely for the affluent and political elite, the imperative to confront the socio-economic barriers to air travel becomes undeniable.

The lack of general aviation infrastructure compounds this issue, making it challenging for a significant portion of the population to engage in aerosport activities. However, Sandeep and Ankur are resolute in confronting these challenges head-on. They have launched Hapy Aviation, an aviation aggregator service in India, with a mission to democratise aviation access. Their vision is to create air parks in prominent Indian cities where customers can conveniently land and park their aircraft near their homes, making aviation a part of everyday life.

What makes Sandeep and Ankur’s journey even more remarkable is that they do not come from an aviation background. Sandeep, a biologist turned entrepreneur, acknowledges that domain knowledge is essential, but he emphasises that risk-taking ability and an entrepreneurial mindset are equally critical. Their shared vision to transform India’s aviation landscape is what fuels their passion for this ambitious startup.

Hapy Aviation drew inspiration from Sandeep’s visit to San Francisco Airport, where he marveled at the extensive facilities and the daily influx of aircraft. This experience prompted him to contemplate whether India could replicate a similar infrastructure.. The comparison between the aviation sectors in the US and India, with the former having a constitutional right to fly, highlighted the disparities that Hapy Aviation aims to address. While the US boasts a vast network of airports and aircraft, India has far fewer functional airports and limited aviation opportunities.

The co-founders’ commitment to their idea is evident in the validation process that followed. Sandeep engaged with pilots and stakeholders in India, discovering that the cost of certain aircraft could be comparable to that of premium cars. This realisation prompted them to focus on the general aviation sector in India, which includes experiential aircraft like microlights, hang gliders, and hot air balloons. At present, there isn’t a dedicated platform for general aviation as a service, and this creates a significant opportunity for Hapy Aviation.

Highlights of Coverage

The coverage also highlights their interest in aerosports, aiming to revive activities like paper plane-based events to educate children on the fundamental principles of flight. The lack of organised ticket sales and aerosport regulation in India is another area Hapy Aviation intends to address, collaborating with experienced players to make aerosports safer and more popular.

In addition to promoting aerosports, Hapy Aviation is facilitating pilot training through online systems for ground classes. This not only fills a gap in aviation education but also supports flying clubs, especially those struggling to attract students in cities like Chandigarh, Ahmedabad, and Jamshedpur.

The co-founders have also built a network of aviation experts, including pilots, private airport owners, government authorities, and consulting firms, to spread awareness about general aviation and its allied activities.
Despite the numerous challenges they face, such as the complex approval processes and regulatory hurdles, Sandeep and Ankur remain committed to their vision of making aviation accessible to all in India. They envision large air parks in sprawling locations, offering bungalows with aircraft hangars right beside them, creating aviation hotspots away from densely populated areas.

The coverage captures the spirit of innovation, determination, and the audacity to dream big that defines Hapy Aviation.They aren’t just entrepreneurs; they’re visionary individuals with a mission to transform the aviation landscape in India, making the dream of flying accessible to all.

Their journey stands as a testament to the strength of entrepreneurship and the unwavering resilience of those who dare to challenge the status quo while making a meaningful impact on society. As they press forward with their mission, the future of general aviation in India looks brighter than ever.

Read the full story here.

Hindustan Times Pune

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